
Dwarf Horse

Meet Chanel the tiny dwarf horse who was born having a tough time walking and had to have help from the Huckleberry the Lab and the Peeps Foundation to allow little Chanel to walk. Below you can watch the story of Chanel. Chanel is so sweet, what a lovely sound her hooves clip clopping on the tiles she is so lucky you were there for her such devotion.

Dwarf Horse

Dwarf Horse

Claudia Weber

Claudia Weber - SwitzerlandClaudia Weber

Nicolas Boyer Gibaud

Nicolas Boyer Gibaud - France - Showjumping RiderNicolas Boyer Gibaud

Melanie Baudouin

Melanie Baudouin - France - Showjumping Rider Melanie

Jun Rinno

Jun Rinno - JapanJun Rinno

Mireia Buti Lopez

Mireia Buti Lopez - SpainMireia Buti Lopez

Sarah Fitton

Sarah Fitton - Australia - Eventing Sarah

Paula Planeta

Paula Planeta - Poland - Showjumping RiderPaula Planeta

Peter Gillis

Peter Gillis - Australia - EventingPeter Gillis

Judith Muã‘Oz

Judith Mu£‘Oz - Guam - Endurance RiderJudith Mu£‘Oz